Hi all,
happy Friday!
Life around the Hinson household has been
a little different the past 2 weeks...
ok, 12 days to be exact.
Awhile back James asked for a picture of
Emily Margaret for his birthday.
I sadly told him there was no way
that was possible.
Then God stepped in.
We now have a picture of a precious
2 1/2 year old we refer to as "Baby Girl".
We're praying that China approves
us to be her family.
Until we know for sure,
I think God winked
and honored James' innocent request.
Now on to the main event. :)
Today we celebrate our Sweet Baby James.
Born 8 years ago today at 12:27pm.
Andy & his Mini-Me.
That child has always been just like his Daddy!
His brother's pride & joy.
The love and adoration is mutual!
I think in the country they'd
call them Thick As Thieves.
James Hinson,
this world holds great things for you.
You have the curiosity of an animal
and the joy of a saint.
This is what happens when you watch
your mama pull her hair up,
one too many times.
And not only did you have to have a ponytail,
you insisted Daddy have one too!
In preschool the kids started calling you James-Hinson.
They'd go home and tell stories about you.
When their parents said
"Are you talking about James?"
they'd reply
"NO, James HINSON!"
You started out playing ball
to be like Joseph.
But you've blossomed into quite a little sportsman.
You've always loved to dress up.
And you love good jammy tales
as much as I do.
You light up my life and are a gift from God.
Happy Birthday, my Sweet Baby James.
God's blessings & love,
Sarah aka Mama :)