There's 48 hours of hard work, deals, sweat, laughter and of course, a couple of pics ...
Andy titled this one Where's Sarah & Allison?!
Oh hey, there we are behind all that STUFF!!! :D
And speaking of Andy,
wanna know what my precious husband did to help out?
He gladly shuttled kids, fixed us lunch and volunteered his manly strength for clean up.
AND, he took his earnings to buy me a prize!
Yep, he's the best!!!
Last but not least, here's my yard sale treasure...
Yes I did trade an unused TV for this adorable desk!
James is so proud to have his own desk that he didn't waste any time moving in.
I can picture it with a monogram right smack in the middle.
What do you think??
I'm on my way to spend a little of my new found riches on some fresh hair. ;>
God's blessings on your day!
That looks a lot more fun than our garage sale. It got so hot, most people would sit in their house and only come out when someone came up the driveway.... luckily it was our entire neighborhood did the garage sale and it was mostly over before it got too hot. Was that not the longest run on sentence ever?!? Anyway, you guys look like you had a lot of fun. ;)
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