Today I'm teaching my Breastfeeding Prenatal Class
but before I get going I had to visit. :)
The boys have kept me super busy this week.
So I'm sharing a crafty creation from awhile back.
You know I have a thing about taking the
ordinary and making it extraordinary.
Well, my kitchen towels were next in line.
My old ones were pathetic so
I gradually weeded them out.
I picked up these towels at the Dollar General.
They're a microfiber towel and I LOVE them!
They were already fun colors
but I wanted to make them sing.
I pulled out my Brother and together we
added a quick monogram and layers of ribbon *bling*.
The old dishrags have made their exit
so now when I open the drawer
these gals are smiling back at me!
Look at how sassy my gal looks just waiting
for one of those dirty boys to wash their hands.
Now I'm off to teach my class.I seriously love teaching newbies about breastfeeding.
Thanks for stopping by!
Enjoy your weekend
and by all means,
beautify the ordinary. :)

Once again, you have not disappointed me! Loving these hand towels sister! I am so hoping that Santa brings me a Brother for Christmas, I've wanted one for a while now since I've seen all your crafty creations. Hopefully I've been a good enough girl to get one this year :)
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