This week has been extremely busy.
A good busy, but still busy!
I thought I'd sum up our week with pictures.
Our first t-ball game this week was canceled because of rain.
We were still on for our second game.
Here's James playing catcher.
He also had a few great hits.
Boompa , Joseph, James and of course James' post-game snow cone!

Op and the boys.
I'm so impressed that my grandpa (who can barely walk to the mailbox) came to James' game.
It was such a blessing to have him there.

Here's what we spent the majority of our week doing...
Since I'm a newbie yard-saler (is that a word??) my sister and her mother-in-law let me participate in theirs.
I'm so glad they did because it definitely requires a system for it to run smoothly.
We setup on Wednesday and then the sale was Thursday and Friday.
We had all four of our kids with us.
They were great help and they entertained each other.
James' and Addison found lots to play with.
This was a game they turned into a building block set.
Here's Claire, who I'm giving the "nosiest baby" award.
As long as she had plenty to look at she was happy.
Look at how sweet her little smile is!
The McPhillips' house backs up to the city cemetary.
On Thursday there was a burial with the military honor guard present.
The boys watched as they played taps.
I was so impressed that they took of their caps to show respect that I had to snap this pic.
When it came to cleaning out their rooms, the way I got my boys on board was this...
They got to keep the money they made from selling their toys and video games.
Here's James celebrating his payday!
Of course he quickly spent his money.
He had been eyeing a real treasure chest that Linda had in the sale.
This is Linda giving James the chest he worked so hard to pay for.
Captain James Yard-Sale ;>

After a long week the boys and I decided it was time for an afternoon of fun.
Joseph and James performed swimming and diving tricks, while Mama got some sun!
James' is doing his tricky handstands that his Mama taught him.
Last but not least is Joseph's "do".
No worries, this was just a fresh from the shower laugh. :D
HI Sarah, Thank you for your comment on my blog! You have been busy!
We had a garage sale this weekend and we let our son Jaxon have the money from the sale of his toys! He can't wait to have another one! ha!
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