We spent the whole game cheering and won 16-5.
I think this may have been our best game yet.
It was so much fun to cheer for Hayden and James.
Here's James in his catchers gear.
James had a bat on him tonight.
Here's brother in action.
James and Hayden after the game.
What a couple of cuties!!!
James ate dinner and then used Andy for a pillow.
Poor guy, he was so tired!
Since we ate at Cracker Barrel we had to take home some old fashioned candy.
Zotz candy is one of Andy's favorite.
He said he always ate it after his childhood baseball games.
It's a hard candy that fizzes on the inside.
Mmmm :D
Finally, here's James with the "game ball".
Since James played so well the umpire wanted him to have it.
As he handed it to Andy, he said "Here give this to your grandson"!!?!
Oh no he didn't...
Oh yes he did!!!
Poor Andy, the umpire thought James was his grandson!

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