Hello, hello!!!
Today I'm participating in my first blog hop with the new MckLinky.
My baby sis gave me the 411 over the phone last night...
"You HAVE to be part of the blog hop" is what I was told.
I'm always up for a blog party, so here I am!
Now on to today's subject:
Three Things You Never Wanted To Know About Me! ;>
1. I am a RN who worked Nursery for several years before specializing in Lactation. This year marks my 5th year of being an IBCLC (International Board Certified Lactation Consultant). I feel that being a Lactation Consultant was a calling on my life by God. He has brought so many wonderful families into my life through my work. I feel honored to do what I do, even if for now it isn't full time. At the present time I teach the Breastfeeding Prenatal Classes and run the Breastfeeding Support Group at my local hospital. I also operate a private practice from home. A Mother's Gift is the name of my business. Through AMG I do in home Lactation Consults and I also rent/sale Medela breastfeeding products.
2. With the remainder of my time I prioritize my family. I am so blessed to have a wonderful, supportive husband and two healthy, happy children. Andy, Joseph and James are my heart. I love being home with them. It makes me beam when they enjoy the home that I work hard to creative. Whether it's cleaning, laundry, cooking, shuttling children or decorating, I enjoy the role I am playing in their lives. I cherish the memories we are making. Even if sometimes Andy and I laugh about what we will do with our time once they're gone!
3. Finally and most importantly I am saved by the blood of Jesus Christ. Nothing I have done will keep me from a glorious eternal life, one that I certainly haven't earned. Sure I get my panties in a wad about silly things, but I know that God loves me just the same. Everyday He teaches and strengthens me. He certainly resides right here... At Home With The Hinsons. :D

i love your three things! i am an RN as well, recently specializing in ER and ICU. i am looking for a change up, possibly to hospice home care? who knows. nursing has always been a call on my heart from the Lord, and i look forward to where He will take me!
just hopping by :)
I love your three things, too! I love your blog.
Hopping over from the Blog Hop to say hi from Colorado!
I enjoyed reading your post!
~ Jennifer
Thanks for stopping by my blog! :) I love to meet another breastfeedin' momma! I am totally new at this since I didn't do well with it with my boys. So this has been a huge struggle and goal for me to be successful with it. And my little girl is 42 days old and STILL has not had a drop of formula and we don't intend to! :) Thanks for stopping by! :)
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