Tonight I'm recounting the things that WERE NOT on my to do list today:
1. Clean the bathrooms.
2. Mop the bathrooms and kitchen.
3. Vacuum the hallway and return vent.
4. Clean the oven... this task is all the more reason for why I shouldn't cook! ;>
5. Replace the toilet seat in the boy's bathroom.
6. Run to Walmart and swap out bottles of Aloe for Aloe Lotion.
7. Strip the bed, wash the linens, mattress cover and duvet.
Random tasks that DID NOT occur because of my to do list:
1. Remove and clean floor vent covers.
2. Teach James how to use a Shop-Vac... hello 6 year old survival skill!
3. Take the oven racks outside and REALLY clean them.
4. Teach Joseph how to replace toilet seats.
5. Pick up multiple items on our Walmart list, plus a few other things that made their way into our buggy!?
6. Remake the bed before Andy fell asleep on a naked mattress!
Wow, leaving for vacation at the end of the week is exciting AND exhausting.
Thankfully I was able to accomplish all the above today, and tomorrow I'll start again.
The problem is that I just keep thinking of all the things I SHOULD DO before we leave.
Really, who wants to come home to a dirty house after a fabulous vacation??
So happy Not Me Monday and God's blessings on your week... and To Do Lists! ;>
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