The answer you ask??
A bike rack, four bikes and helmets. And yes, we'd like a bell installed on the pink bike! ;>
Andy's bike was actually his early birthday gift.
Joseph bought his bike with his grass cutting money.
James had just gotten a new bike for his birthday.
Last but not least, I purchased mine with my yard sale money.
Whew, thank goodness for yard sales!
This afternoon we loaded up and went for our first ride. We road for a couple of hours and had a wonderful time. I forgot how much fun it is to go for a bike ride!
Our plan is to take them to the beach with us. The next couple of weeks will be used to get in better shape. We'll also work on bike safety with the boys.
I know bicycle rides weren't in the original summer fun plans, but I'm so glad we added it in! We'll keep you posted, but until then enjoy a few pics.
God's blessings and happy 4th of July! :D
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