This week the boys have been going to Vacation Bible School at our church.
Here we are on Monday morning. :D
With them gone, I had a few hours each morning to do my Mama Work.
That's what James calls it anyway.
While cleaning, unpacking and doing the laundry I snuck in a little Crafty Creation time.
I'm so excited to finally be revealing this project.
It's been in the works for awhile.
Several weeks ago while in Tuesday Mornings I saw these outdoor place mats with the most fabulous colors.
Upon inspection I decided I could convert them into throw pillows for the front porch rockers.
I ripped the seam to provide a little opening.
And yes, the bandaide on my finger is where I stabbed myself.
But hey, no pain, no gain!
Next it was time to put to use a couple of bags of Poly-fil.
I picked them up several months ago for $1.07 each.
Insert SqUEaL here!
I stuffed them full, they probably held 1/2 bag each.
Once I had them all lined up and waiting it was time to drag out the sewing machine.
This was my very first attempt at sewing.
Yes, that means I had to bust out the owner's manual! ;>
I may not sew the straightest lines,
but I got the job done.
I even did reinforced stitches!!!
For under $15 I have four outdoor pillows
my color inspiration for the summer decor.
What do you think,
is my Crafty Creation sad or spectacular?
Edited for my friends:
Here's a run down of where my porch decor came from.
Pillows- Tuesday Mornings
Green Felt Flower Decor-Hobby Lobby ( I think they were place mats too?! )
Orange Basket/Tray- Hobby Lobby ( last year )
Flowers- Hobby Lobby ( I didn't realize I shopped there so much! )
Pitcher- Wedding gift, years ago
Thanks for all your words of encouragement, ya'll are the best! :D
I think that's a wonderful idea! Very pretty! Love the bright colors!
Bwahaha!! I have to get out the manual when I get out my sewing machine too! And when I say "get out" I mean pick it up from my closet floor where it is being used as a doorstop. I love them! They are insanely cute and really brighten things up.
cute and colorful
I'm LOVEING all your colors! We should be BFF's! COme check ou my bright blog! Thanks for sharing!
What a great idea!!
Wow! Those colors pop, loving it! Great job!
Love the pillows. I looked all summer for some that were just right for my deck. I am going to check out the placemat section again because I have not seen outdoor ones. Thanks for the great idea. I'll be back again.
I love your pillows and I think it's really clever of you to use outdoor placemats to make them. The colors really pop. I have a question though, what is the green things hanging over the top of your chairs? They look really cool...
Oh yeah, also very proud of you for sewing! I love sewing!
Those are so cheerful and fun. I no nothing about sewing either, I have to ask my MIL to sew anything for me. I love those green flower things hanging on the chair backs!
Great idea and the colors are so cheerful and pretty!
Oh my goodness, this is a fabulous idea! You did a great job and they are beautiful! :)
Very festive, very fun - - - you creative little thing you!!!
spectacular, for sure :) also love those green hangy thingies(?) on the chair backs too :)
That is a great idea. And I love what they do to your porch. They are so colorful and fun. I would never have thought of using outdoor placemats, and yet it makes TOTAL sense. Well done!!
How smart! Love this idea, and right now I see those on clearance everywhere, now I know to pick up a few!
I recently saw the green felt mats that you have hanging on the back of the rockers in a magazine, BUT forget which ones...where did you buy them? pillows look fabulous...very clever
Oh my gosh!... You are SO clever! Those are adorable!
Your pillows look terrific. What a cute addition to your rockers. xo
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