Today we slowed down the pace a bit.
Instead of being up and going by 6am, we slept until 9am.
It was soooo nice to lay around!
Once we were dressed, we hit the outdoors.
We enjoyed biking before it got too hot.
The boys did a few of their tricks for the camera...
During lunch we enjoyed something new, Toss Up.
Toss Up is a super fun dice game.
It was great for us because it put us all on equal playing levels.
At first it looked like Joseph was going to win...
then Mama took the lead...
during the last round James blew past us all...
but in the last play of the game Andy won!!!
After some time chilling in the room we took a dip in the pool.

We ended our evening with a delicious breakfast dinner, picked out by James, and cooked by Daddy.
YUM!!! :D
God's blessings on your night!
Sarah :>
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