Today is the day where anything that can go a little crazy, during your vacation, will.
Our morning activity for today was saltwater fishing at The Point.
The point is located over by the Alabama State Park and pier.
We headed out around 7am, a little behind schedule.
Since we were running late we decided to substitute our scheduled breakfast of cinnamon toast, for Burger King's drive-thru.
Once we got closer it was time to stop for bait and fishing license.
We picked up our bait and t-shirts for the boys.
When we tried to buy our license we found out Walmart was the closest place that sold them.
Uh, no way were we busting a trip to Walmart!
Our option?
A 1-800 number that allowed us to call in our license purchase.
Worth every penny of the additional $3.00 per license they charge you for using their phone option!
As I was finishing up my phone call, I glanced out the window, only to gasp as I saw this...

Which was most certainly NOT the BIGGEST grasshopper ever!!!
Although we started out slow, the boys caught the hang of things quickly.
Andy caught the most fish, but Joseph wasn't far behind him.

And James, well he caught a few himself.
James got the dirtiest bait award.
Because he DID NOT drag his line and bait through the dirt as he walked over to his fishing spot!
I came in last for a total of ZERO fish caught.
Oh, no worries, my dad did give me a "pity fish".
I named it a pity fish because he felt bad that I hadn't caught any fish on my own.
SO, when he felt a bite he gave me the rod to reel it in.

No I DID NOT pose for this pic just like I caught this all by myself!
Here's one of the fish the boys' caught...
NO we DID NOT catch the ugliest fish known to man!
Wondering what we did with all that leftover squid we were using for bait??
Boompa finished it off for us...
God's blessings, and Happy Not Me Monday!
Looks like you guys are having a blast!! All that fishin' grosses me out, though!
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