It housed all our fun summer ideas.
Well, we f-i-n-a-l-l-y made time to play Putt-Putt!
It was hot, really hot.
So we decided to start out with dinner.
We had a delicious dinner at Ruby Tuesdays.
They have the BEST salad bar!
Then we headed over to Funzone.
We played our 18 holes of torture... I mean fun.
I believe I am the worst putt-putt golfer that has ever graced their course.
My boys were complete gentlemen and tried to help me as much they could.
Joseph was kind enough to give me a brief lesson.
Something about their being a line on the club, and you line it up with the ball... I dunno?!
James happily retrieved all my wayward balls.
Thank you son!
He even made a hole in one!!!
Andy kept score, and tried not to laugh at us.
I think he might have been a professional Putt-Putter in his youth!
A good time was had by all.
We followed up our evening out with an ice-cream cake from DQ.
Look, I found the perfect cake and it was half-off!
Once we got home I took a picture of it.
Yes of course, how could I blog about our putt-putt cake if I didn't take a pic?!
That's when Joseph spotted a little problem with the cake...
No worries, I took it back.
I quietly explained to the cashier that I needed to exchange my cake for one without a dead fly on it.
She was appropriately freaked out, which made me feel better!
Wanna know the sad part?
For a split second I considered just cutting off that corner of the cake and throwing it away.
And yes, feeding it to my family and eating it myself.
I was t-i-r-e-d, you would've thought the same thing too!
After showers we collapsed on the couch.
We ate our fly-free (although not as cute cake) and watched Wipeout.
Whew, summer fun at it's peak! ;>
On a side note: Thanks to everyone for your thoughts and prayers! Op made it through surgery fine and will probably be in the hospital until Monday. Please continue to pray for my grandparents as they go through this together. Rehab, doctor's appointments, etc. I think they've got a long few months ahead of them.
God's blessings on your 4th of July weekend! :D
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