Good morning all!
I've been working on a fabulous project that I can't wait to share with you.
I plan to post about it later on this weekend.
But first, I gotta tell ya what happened last night.
About 10pm we were all getting ready to head to bed.
We were straightening up the living room when I heard Maggie barking.
I knew something was up because she was doing her s
omebody needs to listen to me kinda bark.
I just thought she needed to go pottie so I went to let her out.
Right before I opened the front door I heard a loud noise out front.
I assumed it was ding-dong-ditchers and peaked out the window.
That's when I saw a man and my 70 year old neighbor throwing down!
Let me back up and tell you we l-o-v-e our neighbors.
Good God fearing people.
We look out for them, and they look out for us.
I yelled for Andy to go outside.
I immediately picked up the phone and dialed 911.
I explained what was going on and within minutes two police cars arrived.
Long story short, it seems our neighbor had been having some altered mental status.
The man fighting with him was his son-in-law who had come to check on him.
When he took our neighbor's keys away from him, poor Mr. Neighbor went nuts.
With Andy, the policemen, and the ambulance all outside, I came back in with the boys.
I sat the boys down and we talked about what was going on...
about the 911 call, what the operator asked and how kind she was,
we looked at how the policemen handled the situation, caring yet firm,
and talked about poor Mr. Neighbor, how he stumbled around... even when standing still.
I explained that it could be a problem with his medicine or that he could be sick, James thought it was beer causing the problems. Oh really son, just what do you know about
beer?!Andy being the medical man that he is told the paramedics that he thought Mr. Neighbor needed to be evaluated for a brain bleed.
Of course Mr. Neighbor refused treatment so the ambulance left.
I was crushed!
All I could think was that his opportunity for medical treatment had just driven away without him.
That's when the prayer group started.
As the boys and I peaked out the blinds, cause we're nosy like that, I led us in prayer.
We prayed that God would send angels to protect Mr. Neighbor.
I asked that he would somehow get the intervention he needed, even if that meant being arrested.
James, well he added that God would keep Mr. Neighbor from falling over. Precious, precious child! :>
As the hours went on the police officers were off to the side talking.
Mr. Neighbor continued staggering, and the Hinsons continued praying.
What happened next horrified my boys, the policemen cuffed Mr. Neighbor and very gently put him in the back of their car.
I didn't know what had happened, but I felt God working.
Fast forward to them leaving and me running over to check on Mrs. Neighbor.
It seems the officers knew that something was wrong so they put in a call to have him put under a protective order and taken to the hospital.
When they called the probate judge, she agreed to give them the approval they needed.
Well the policemen were shocked, Mrs. Neighbor was blown away and so was her son-in-law.
Mrs. Neighbor was so grateful and said that she couldn't believe that it all went through so quickly.
That's when I told her I wasn't at all surprised.
I explained that right through my living room window three caring friends had been lifting him up in prayer and asking that God would use any means necessary to take care of Mr. Neighbor.
We hugged and I told her to let me know if there was anything she needed.
Once I came back in the boys were eagerly awaiting an update on the situation.
That's when I explained that no, Mr. Neighbor wasn't going to jail, he was going to the hospital under an emergency protective order.
As I answered their questions we talked about how God works.
How God takes what is meant for bad, and uses it to His glory.
God was working here At Home With The Hinsons, and not just in the front yard.
God was using this experience to build the faith of two sweet boys, and their Mama too!
For where two or three come together in my name, there am I with them. Matthew 18:20
And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose. Romans 8:28