Hi all!
I hope your having a fabulous week. :)
The boys are gearing up for a 4 day weekend,
We love our un-rushed days at home together.
Since Valentine's Day & the Chinese New Year are this weekend,
Andy is treating us to a special lunch tomorrow.
We'll be eating at Fulin's,
which may be my new favorite restaurant.
It's Chinese food of course. ; )
Now on to today's topic...
I feel that it's important to
share the life lessons
we've learned with each other,
you know
keeping it real so to speak.
So for all you girly DIY'ers, this ones for you.
I have stumbled upon a new product.
It's Sally Hansen's Hair Remover Wax Strips.
They are precut and to warm the wax,
all you have to do is rub them together in your hands.
The best part?
You get 34 wax strips for less than $10.
Since they are cheap and easy to use
I've happily ditched my salon waxing trips!
My normal routine is to wax right before
I take my bath at night.
That allows my red face a good 12 hours
to simmer down before I apply make-up.
Now on this particular night
the boys were a little rowdy.
They happened to walk in on me waxing
and were very entertained!
Yes, they even tried it out on themselves.
All was going good.
I had finished my lip,
and the first brow was great.
As I applied the last strip to my second brow,
the boys broke into a wrestling match.
Mind you this was no normal wrestling match.
Joseph had pinned James down
and was applying the wax strip over his mouth.
It's one thing if they want to try it on themselves
but we'll not be inventing a new form of brotherly torture!
So as I broke up the fight I walked away from the mirror.
Obviously not thinking about what I was doing
I continued to smooth down that last strip.
In my Mama mode I gave them I tongue lashing,
threatened to wax their rear ends
and without looking,
ripped off the strip.
I knew there was a problem when the strip I removed
appeared to have a caterpillar attached to it.
As much as I didn't want to,
I had to look.
This my friends was the reflection staring back at me.
Can you see the horror in my eyes?!?
I sent the kids off to get their showers
and tried to compose myself.
Then I knew what I had to do,
I showed Andy what I'd done.
God love that man!
I don't remember a single word he said
I just know that I went back to the bathroom
drying up my tears and laughing.
Then I did the only thing I knew to do,
I thinned the other one.
Luckily, not as much.
Here is a picture of my retouched brows,
yes, I'm laughing at myself in this picture.
I've spent the past week using a brow pencil
to fill in the obvious gap.
Yes Andy, just like old ladies do. ;)
So far no one has commented.
That leads me to believe it's either un-noticeable or really bad!
Take it from me and the lesson I've learned the hard way,
self waxing is great as long as you don't referee
a wrestling match while doing it! :)