Well, sadly enough, it seems that life caught up with me...
family, friends, plays and holidays, you know the sort.
Here's a run-down of what's been happening with the Hinsons.
To start off we had so much fun with the cousins, they ended up staying two nights.
The four of them had such a great time and they were really good.
It's my blog so I promise I wouldn't lie! ;>
On Saturday Franny, Christine, Andy and I went to see Wicked.
It was FABULOUS!!!
I wasn't prepared for just how much I would enjoy it.
I did!
Now I want to take the kids.
They would have loved it too.
I actually think James could have auditioned for the role of the monkey. He's a natural.
So, if you have the opportunity ,GO SEE WICKED. It's worth the time, money and trouble I promise!!
As you know, Sunday was EASTER!

Here's a picture of James (not so patiently) waiting for the Easter bunny to fill his basket!

Thank you Jesus for dying on the cross for me.
Thank you for rising from the dead just as you had said.
Thank you for the forgiveness of my sins.
Thank for the gift of eternal life.
And thank you for the knowledge that NOTHING I did or can do will ever deserve your gift of grace.
Just wanted to share that. You know Jesus reads my blog! :D
So, we had the big church Easter egg hunt.
James loved it because there wasn't a limit on the amount of eggs you could find.
Gotta love a good old free for all at the church?!
Apparently at school they were limited to only finding seven eggs per child.
Yes, as you can imagine, James came home that day ticked!
We went to the late church service with the cousins and Franparents.
I forgot how nice it is to have the music during communion.
At the early service there isn't any music.
It was such a beautiful, joy filled service. I love Easter Sunday!
James didn't get in any trouble... although he did fall asleep.
(Side note: We started going to the early service because James seemed to always get in trouble during the late service. I tend to lose the peaceful feeling that church gives me when I have to beat my child throughout the service. I don't know if he had a hard time calming down after Sunday School or if he just isn't very feisty at 8am. Whatever the reason, he can pay attention and avoid spankings so we're going with it!)
Here's a pic of James enjoying his first cookie in forty days.
Remember, he gave up cookies for Lent!
Next was lunch at Nana's.
Everyone cooked but me.
Yes, I chose to ignore the guilt!
The dinner was delicious...
ham, green bean casserole, deviled eggs, potato salad, macaroni and cheese, grape salad, rolls, strawberry shortcake and the most important...
Easter Bunny Cake!
My sweet Nanny has made this same cake for thirty-one years.
It was one of those disposable cake kits that she used to make me a cake on my first Easter.
AND she saved it.
AND she reuses it.
AND I've never had an Easter without it.
AND I think that makes her the b-e-s-t Nanny ever.
The Easter Bunny cake is one of my most favorite traditions!

Finally, it was time for the Hinsons to head home.
We were feeling the weariness of our long week.
So we changed clothes and crashed.
Yes, right in the middle of our messy house!
We're out for Spring Break so there'll be plenty of time to clean later.
Last but certainly not least, Boompa and Gigi stopped by.
Andy and James were still asleep so Joseph and I enjoyed their visit.
I love that they read our blog so we can laugh and talk about all that has happened lately. (I'm usually too brain dead to recall the latest happenings. Following our blog is definitely the greatest way to stay current.)
When James woke up to find that Boompa and Gigi had left him a bag of goodies, he thought the Easter Bunny had been again!
He was singing the praises of having grandparents!!!
Gifts=Love in the world of a six year old. He was feeling the love!
God bless you Boompa and Gigi for keeping James entertained for the rest of the evening.
Thanks for catching back up with us!
Have a great afternoon.
He Has Risen.
He Has Risen Indeed! :>
Well, you shouldn't ignore your guilt. Your baby sister, you know, the one with two small children, cooked TWO things!! ;) j/k
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